@_@ Wow... time flies when you almost have a life... hehe Did a little updating, d/l new page builder!
Yikes! Has it really been a year, already? Updated the site here and there - not much new content, but a little fixing up. I figure now that Homestead has jacked the price of hosting up to $70/annum, I might as well update sometime soon. *wishful thinking*
It's been a while, eh? Hope to update soon with new images, and put the Sequoia and Korolev revisions here when they're finished, too! Did some revising, for now...
Korolev revision underway, Sequoia revision/redesign well underway. Will post pics here soon!
HI!!! I went back through and fixed links, revised a little. Added some new pictures, as well - an ASDB update is planned, if we can get back in gear after almost a year...
New Wambundu page added!
Updated Andromeda page, new Merced page.
Started listing news... ^_^ Added Istanbul, Mediterranean, and Sequoia pages.